
IACR Newsflash

Dr Rachael Rosario

Doc Rachael Rosario

In Memoriam: Dr Rachael Rosario, A Legacy of Compassion and Dedication

The International Association of Cancer Registries (IACR) and the Global Initative for Cancer Registration Development (GICR) - International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC WHO) would like to pay tribute to the remarkable life and extraordinary contributions of Dr Rachael Rosario. On May 20, 2024, we lost a tireless advocate for cancer research and patient care.

Dr Rosario served as the Executive Director of the Philippine Cancer Society, Founding Member of the Cancer Coalition (Philippines) and Head of the Manila Cancer Registry. Her active support of the work of the GICR of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) was a testament to her dedication to cancer surveillance. Leading the Manila Cancer Registry, she played a vital role in generating high-quality, population-based cancer data that has significantly contributed to cancer surveillance and research.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Dr Rachael Rosario was a warm source of comfort, and a treasured friend to many. Her compassionate nature, and genuine concern for her patients, fellow cancer warriors and colleagues, touched the lives of those she encountered.

To Dr Rachael Rosario, we are thankful that we met and became friends with you. We hope that those whom you have touched and inspired continue to grow your legacy. We send our sincere sympathies to your beloved family, dear friends and colleagues at the Manila Cancer Registry and the Philippine Cancer Society.

Photo courtesy of EPCALM Foundation


User’s Guide to ESSENTIAL TNM (E TNM) Version 4.2

Now available for download here at IACR:

English Version: Users' Guide to Essential TNM (E TNM) Version 4.2

French Version:  Guide de Utilisateur TNM Essentiel Version 4.2

Portugese Version: Manual Do Usuario Para TNM Essencial Versão 4.2

Spanish Version:  Guía del Usuario TNM Esencial Versión 4.2

On YouTube: Presentation on PBCRs' role in cancer control

Dr Freddie Bray, Head of the Cancer Surveillance Branch (CSU) at the International Agency for Research at Cancer (IARC), presents a brief overview of population-based cancer registries (PBCRs) and their role in cancer control, with a focus on the Sub Saharan Africa region.
He explains the rationale for the sustainable development of cancer registry data, what defines a population-based cancer registry, and presents how IARC is working to increase coverage.  He identified some of the challenges to developing registries and offers solutions to  facilitate the development of cancer registration in Africa which would also be application to other LMIC's, and regions.
More here information and links here:

CI5 Volume XII online


 Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (CI5) Volume XII launched in October 2023.  


The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), in collaboration with the 

International Association of Cancer Registries (IACR), has launched CI5 Volume XII which compiles cancer incidence data from 455 cancer registries, covering 588 populations in 70 countries.


CI5 volume XII cover final pick 2022

The published volume and databases are now available on the CI5 website:  https://ci5.iarc.who.int/The website likewise contains utilities that enable the comparison of cancer incidence and will be of interest to anyone wishing to better understand the diverse profiles of cancer in different populations. 


Dr Guillermo Tortolero-Luna

TortoleroGL temp

The cancer registry community sympathises with the loved ones left behind by Dr Guillermo Tortolero-Luna, former Director of the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences at the University of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center and co-director of the Puerto Rico Central Cancer Registry.

Read IARC's message here: https://www.iarc.who.int/fr/news-events/dr-guillermo-tortolero-luna/

Dr Tortolero-Luna actively supported and worked in many international cancer registry activities, including those of the International Association of Cancer Registries (IACR) and the Global Initiative for Cancer Registry Development (GICR).  He served as a keynote speaker at IACR's 2018 Scientific Conference in Arequipa, Peru, and shared the experience of the Puerto Rico Central Cancer Registry's transformation into an epidemiologic cancer Surveillance System.

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