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Become a member of IACR


To apply for IACR Membership (first time applications):  please fill-in this form:  IACR Membership Application

Upon completing and submitting the application, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to confirm your request for membership.  The application will be reviewed by designated IACR representatives.


Current / inactive IACR members are invited to renew their annual membership here: IACR online membership payment 

or please contact the Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request portal login and instructions.

The voting membership category includes all cancer registries that are or have the potential of becoming PBCRs; Networks and Associations of PBCRs. The quality of the data is not evaluated as a condition of membership. Voting rights are subject to the timely payment of annual dues.

Non-voting membership (Associate) is given to organizations that promote the goals and mission of IACR and to individual (who are not currently working in a Member organization, but have demonstrated professional commitments in cancer registration; and Honorary Members).

See IACR's Constitution and Standing Rules for further information.

The Board of Director reviews the membership requests on a quarterly basis. As soon as the decision is taken, you will be informed and you can start enjoying the privileges of your membership.


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This website was developed and is hosted at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
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