HomeAnnual MeetingsPast meetingsUtrecht, 2017

IACR 2017 - Utrecht


Conference Book of abstracts


39th Annual Scientific Conference

17-19 October 2017, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Ensuring quality and use of data from cancer registries in the 21st century

iacr 2017

The 39th Annual meeting was held in Utrecht (The Netherlands) from 17 to 19 October 2017.

The main theme of the meeting was Ensuring quality and use of data from cancer registries in the 21st century.

Acknowledging the diversity of cancer registries worldwide: methods, longevity, data integration and practice.

Responding to future challenges in sustaining cancer registries.


Plenary Themes:

  • Cancer surveillance for cancer control
  • The role of cancer registries in prevention and screening programmes
  • The role and integration of cancer registries in clinical outcomes
  • Analysing, presenting and communicating cancer registry data
  • Cancer registries and ‘big data’: the next generation of studies

Keynote Speakers:

  • Prof Jack Siemiatycki, University of Montreal, Clemmesen Lecturer
  • Prof. Karin Haustermans, UH Leuven
  • Prof. Johan Mackenbach, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam
  • Dr. Kevin Ward, Georgia Center for Cancer Statistics, Emory University
  • Dr. Isabelle Soerjomataram, International Agency for Research on Cancer

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The 6th Johannes Clemmesen Lecture was delivered by Jack Siemiatycki.


The 8th prize was awarded to Simone Versteeg from Utrecht (The Netherlands) for her presentation on the study: "Centralisation of cancer surgery and the impact on patients’ travel burden".

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